Club At School

Joining a student club. Open the door to building new friendships, enhancing life and exploring career opportunities.
As an active member of students club, A student will learn important leadership and management skills as he/she participates in a variet of programs.
Club activities will provide students practical training and opprtunities to show their talent.

Eco Club

The students along with the help of teachers and gardeners planted some saplings in the park. They also cleaned the surrounding areas by picking the waste material and plastic material which were lying there.

Maths Club

In the club, the students prepare for the Olympiads in a competitive spirit by encouraging each other to attempt various application based problems. Also, they use the tangrams to make different shapes.

Matra Bhasha Hindi Samiti

To provide good quality modern education-including a strong component of culture inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education- to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas without regard to their family's socio-economic condition.

Science Club

Self-expression, independent research, constructive activities, etc., are some of the opportunities provided by the science clubs. Students can learn more through the activities and their own experiments and clarify general scientific concepts.

Global Lang.(English Club)

English Club organizes Debate and Drama sessions for the students to enhance their communicating, speaking and acting skills. The students get guidelines to improve their gestures, creativity, stage-craft and acting skills.